Gemma-Louise's Media Blog

welcome to my media blog. this tells you about the development of ideas that i have had for my coursework. hope its a good read =D

Monday 5 October 2009

Initial ideas (for the final time!!)

Finally i have managed to find an idea i can actually work towards for my coursework. i know that the previous ideas i had were pretty good but i felt that i could not go as in depth with them as i can with the current idea that i have.
my current idea is that i am now going to be doing an investigation into how gender is represented in music videos. i know that this will take a lot of work but i think if i put the time and effort into it i'll be able to do it.
as of now i have done an extensive amount of research to aid my task:
1- i have done a textual analysis of three music videos commenting on how gender is represented.
2- i have designed a questionnaire to get other people's veiws on the task in hand.
3- i have researched the andrew goodwin theory and how gender is represented in the media.
4- i have researched the history and purpose of music videos.

I now plan to devise a focus group to hear my classmates opinions, continue with my web based research and start on the academic side of it and i am going to try and organise some interveiws to help with my research.
this should help when it comes to producing my final piece.

for example as part of my research i did a textual analysis, this is an example of what i had to do:

this is the video to florence and the machines new song "drumming song".

in this video she is represented as being quite dominant and strong as she is leading the other dancers. also she is shown as being quite fashionable as she is wearing a rather nice outfit. the video gives connotations of strength, leadership and dominance as she represents women in quite a strong light. finally the use of women in the video shows representations of women being the steronger out of the two sexes.

gender can be represented in different ways. here are two examples of how they are shown:

la roux has been represented in many different ways since she came into the music scene. for example, she has been shown as a fun loving girl who makes classic 80's style pop music, however some people say she looks like a 12 year old boy, just because she has short hair. this could be classed as a poor representation of women as they dont have to have long hair. la roux chooses to have short hair because it is part of her image and thats hows she feels she wants to be represented.

matt bellamy from muse has been reperesented in different ways as well as la roux. in the past, he has been represented as the strong leader of his band and has been praised for the high standard of music he creates, but lately he has been shown as been going downhill in the way he does his work and has been shown to be having doubts about his band and music. this can be shown as a poor representation of men as they are shown as not being capable of doing as much as they should.

this shows that gender can be represented in both a positive and a negative light and for my end product i am going to make something that shows people that artists can be shown more positively as they are shown more negatively these days.

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