Gemma-Louise's Media Blog

welcome to my media blog. this tells you about the development of ideas that i have had for my coursework. hope its a good read =D

Thursday 2 July 2009

My initial ideas

my initial ideas for my ms3 coursework is going to be based around the popular genre of manga. for my coursework i willl be doing a textual analysis of three different programs from within the genre, commenting on technical codes, visual codes and the main key concepts.

then i will do a full investigation into the genre and finally as my final peice, create a four minute episode for a new manga program, based in reality. the episode will be four minutes long, and i have yet to decide what it will be about. finally i will write an evaluation, outlining and explaing what i did for my coursework. :)


  1. now im thinking you will need a lot of time and some brilliant actors for this as it may be quite hard to try to create or re-create a manga/anime film.

  2. lol nah i got my actors and if you wanna helps then its fine :D
