Gemma-Louise's Media Blog

welcome to my media blog. this tells you about the development of ideas that i have had for my coursework. hope its a good read =D

Wednesday 8 July 2009

The Auteur Theory And How It Ties In With My Coursework!! :D

we learnt this theory in lesson on the 7th of july .

In film criticism , the 1950s-era Auteur theory holds that a director's films reflect that director's personal creative vision, as if he were the primary "Auteur" (the French word for "author"). In some cases, film producers are considered to have a similar "Auteur" role for films that they have produced.
In law the Auteur is the creator of a film as a work of art, and is the original copyright holder. Under European Union law the film director shall always be considered the author or one of the authors of a film.
Auteur theory has had a major impact on film criticism ever since it was advocated by film director and film critic François Truffaut in 1954. "Auteurism" is the method of analyzing films based on this theory or, alternately, the characteristics of a director's work that makes him an Auteur. Both the Auteur theory and the Auteurism method of film analysis are frequently associated with the French New Wave and the film critics who wrote for the influential French film review periodical Cahiers du cinéma.

Truffuat also said: "there are no good and bad movies, only good and bad directors."

this ties in with my coursework as i am going to use a similar style to one of the directors that i would have researched and change it slightly to make it my own. this should be tricky but it might be manageable. the research involved will include a detailed textual analysis on three documentary directors of my choice, commenting on each part of MIGRAIN. also, this analysis will let me see what themes are constantly used within the directors work. this will help me to decide which theme i should use within my own production work. :D

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Initial ideas 2

as it says in my previous blog about my intial ideas, my idea was to create a four minute television program based on manga but in reality. until now i thought this task would be alright for me to cope with but recently i have been thinking that it might be too much of a challenge for myself.

i have now decided to change my idea and am now thinking of creating a documentary showing how people are represented through music, for example, people who listen to rock music are shown as either goths or emo's.

i have decided to make my documentary roughly four minutes long and i plan to rethink my textual analysis as i am not yet sure how i am going to set it out :D

Monday 6 July 2009

Textual Analysis

For my textual analysis i will be analysing three different anime episodes from different series. these three series are phsychic academy, death note and dragonball z.

i will analyse these, commenting on technical codes, visual codes and the main key concepts.

my initial thoughts are to think about the main conventions that are involved within the genre and comment on them.

Thursday 2 July 2009

My initial ideas

my initial ideas for my ms3 coursework is going to be based around the popular genre of manga. for my coursework i willl be doing a textual analysis of three different programs from within the genre, commenting on technical codes, visual codes and the main key concepts.

then i will do a full investigation into the genre and finally as my final peice, create a four minute episode for a new manga program, based in reality. the episode will be four minutes long, and i have yet to decide what it will be about. finally i will write an evaluation, outlining and explaing what i did for my coursework. :)