Gemma-Louise's Media Blog

welcome to my media blog. this tells you about the development of ideas that i have had for my coursework. hope its a good read =D

Tuesday 9 February 2010

here we go again!

again apologies for the readers who veiw my blog. i have decided to change one of the people i am going to be talking about in my production. at first i chose to talk about cherl cole and in the third part of my documentary but then i decided that i needed to talk about a group in which a male and female was involved in.
i discussed this issue with a friend and he gave me the idea that i should talk about the band lacuna coil, a heavy metal band from italy. the band involves two lead singers, a male and a female.
so i have now decided to incorporate this into my production. and now as a new task to myself, i am going to be devising a new textual analysis to show my progress.
once again for those who read, i do apologise for my constant idea changing, but sometimes it has to be done, and i hope my production will be ok peace (;

Sunday 7 February 2010

Coursework Update

just a quick update on how im doing with my coursework. everything is going good, yeah a bit slow, but good all the same.
since the last time i wrote on here ive been a busy little bee doing various things for my production. i have nearly completed the research side for my production and all thats left to do is complete the consent forms that i have handed out, develop futher research into the musicians that i am using as examples in my work and obtain information on the person whose style i am using within my work, nick broomfield.
also i have been attending my coursework meetings and getting advice on how to make my work better and i have taken them into consideration.
finally, i have managed to get some footage of a band that spent the week in college. i was lucky enough to interveiw them and get their opinions on music videos, and i managed to get footage of them performing.
well thats it for now and i'll keep everyone updated on how im doing peace (:

Friday 8 January 2010

yet again im changing my idea ¬_¬ grr

yes, as the title says, i am once again changing my idea, due to the fact that i am unable to work with certain people within my group in this present period of time.
however, on a more positive note, i have decided to change my idea back to the documentary side of things and i will be keeping the title of "How is gender represented within three music videos".
for this, i am going to talk about why how males and females are represented the way they are in videos and i am going to provide three examples to use as evidence. the people i am going to use are lady gaga (female), Ozzy osbourne(male) and for both i will be talking about cheryl cole and working as a team.
once again for the people who read this, i am very sorry for this happening =)

Monday 5 October 2009

Initial ideas (for the final time!!)

Finally i have managed to find an idea i can actually work towards for my coursework. i know that the previous ideas i had were pretty good but i felt that i could not go as in depth with them as i can with the current idea that i have.
my current idea is that i am now going to be doing an investigation into how gender is represented in music videos. i know that this will take a lot of work but i think if i put the time and effort into it i'll be able to do it.
as of now i have done an extensive amount of research to aid my task:
1- i have done a textual analysis of three music videos commenting on how gender is represented.
2- i have designed a questionnaire to get other people's veiws on the task in hand.
3- i have researched the andrew goodwin theory and how gender is represented in the media.
4- i have researched the history and purpose of music videos.

I now plan to devise a focus group to hear my classmates opinions, continue with my web based research and start on the academic side of it and i am going to try and organise some interveiws to help with my research.
this should help when it comes to producing my final piece.

for example as part of my research i did a textual analysis, this is an example of what i had to do:

this is the video to florence and the machines new song "drumming song".

in this video she is represented as being quite dominant and strong as she is leading the other dancers. also she is shown as being quite fashionable as she is wearing a rather nice outfit. the video gives connotations of strength, leadership and dominance as she represents women in quite a strong light. finally the use of women in the video shows representations of women being the steronger out of the two sexes.

gender can be represented in different ways. here are two examples of how they are shown:

la roux has been represented in many different ways since she came into the music scene. for example, she has been shown as a fun loving girl who makes classic 80's style pop music, however some people say she looks like a 12 year old boy, just because she has short hair. this could be classed as a poor representation of women as they dont have to have long hair. la roux chooses to have short hair because it is part of her image and thats hows she feels she wants to be represented.

matt bellamy from muse has been reperesented in different ways as well as la roux. in the past, he has been represented as the strong leader of his band and has been praised for the high standard of music he creates, but lately he has been shown as been going downhill in the way he does his work and has been shown to be having doubts about his band and music. this can be shown as a poor representation of men as they are shown as not being capable of doing as much as they should.

this shows that gender can be represented in both a positive and a negative light and for my end product i am going to make something that shows people that artists can be shown more positively as they are shown more negatively these days.

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Initial Ideas (again)

once again i have decided to change my idea for my media coursework. i have now decided to base my work on the solihull young carers project as it is personal to me and not many people know about it.
recently in the media, teenagers and young children have been represented in a negative way as they are shown to be rebellious and getting into trouble. children are rarely recognised in a positive light, which is where my idea comes into place.
the young carers project is a place for children who take care of their families ( i.e - if their parents or siblings have an illness or cant cope). young carers allows these children tyo get away from all that. they take them on day trips and weekends away and this allows them to have their own personal time to take care of themselves.
i chose the young carers for my work as i was on the project from the age of 6 and i left when i was 13, and from what i've asked people, not many of them have heard of them.
so, for my work i am going to do a documentary based on the young carers and represent them in a positive way, and also add in peoples opinions of why they think children and teenagers and shown negatively. :)

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Media research

over the summer holiday i was given he task of doing my research to help towards my production.
so far all i have managed to get is a website from a uni teachr who writes articles about the area im studying. however i am finding researching slightly difficult as i am having trouble finding what i need.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

The Auteur Theory And How It Ties In With My Coursework!! :D

we learnt this theory in lesson on the 7th of july .

In film criticism , the 1950s-era Auteur theory holds that a director's films reflect that director's personal creative vision, as if he were the primary "Auteur" (the French word for "author"). In some cases, film producers are considered to have a similar "Auteur" role for films that they have produced.
In law the Auteur is the creator of a film as a work of art, and is the original copyright holder. Under European Union law the film director shall always be considered the author or one of the authors of a film.
Auteur theory has had a major impact on film criticism ever since it was advocated by film director and film critic François Truffaut in 1954. "Auteurism" is the method of analyzing films based on this theory or, alternately, the characteristics of a director's work that makes him an Auteur. Both the Auteur theory and the Auteurism method of film analysis are frequently associated with the French New Wave and the film critics who wrote for the influential French film review periodical Cahiers du cinéma.

Truffuat also said: "there are no good and bad movies, only good and bad directors."

this ties in with my coursework as i am going to use a similar style to one of the directors that i would have researched and change it slightly to make it my own. this should be tricky but it might be manageable. the research involved will include a detailed textual analysis on three documentary directors of my choice, commenting on each part of MIGRAIN. also, this analysis will let me see what themes are constantly used within the directors work. this will help me to decide which theme i should use within my own production work. :D