Gemma-Louise's Media Blog

welcome to my media blog. this tells you about the development of ideas that i have had for my coursework. hope its a good read =D

Tuesday 9 February 2010

here we go again!

again apologies for the readers who veiw my blog. i have decided to change one of the people i am going to be talking about in my production. at first i chose to talk about cherl cole and in the third part of my documentary but then i decided that i needed to talk about a group in which a male and female was involved in.
i discussed this issue with a friend and he gave me the idea that i should talk about the band lacuna coil, a heavy metal band from italy. the band involves two lead singers, a male and a female.
so i have now decided to incorporate this into my production. and now as a new task to myself, i am going to be devising a new textual analysis to show my progress.
once again for those who read, i do apologise for my constant idea changing, but sometimes it has to be done, and i hope my production will be ok peace (;

Sunday 7 February 2010

Coursework Update

just a quick update on how im doing with my coursework. everything is going good, yeah a bit slow, but good all the same.
since the last time i wrote on here ive been a busy little bee doing various things for my production. i have nearly completed the research side for my production and all thats left to do is complete the consent forms that i have handed out, develop futher research into the musicians that i am using as examples in my work and obtain information on the person whose style i am using within my work, nick broomfield.
also i have been attending my coursework meetings and getting advice on how to make my work better and i have taken them into consideration.
finally, i have managed to get some footage of a band that spent the week in college. i was lucky enough to interveiw them and get their opinions on music videos, and i managed to get footage of them performing.
well thats it for now and i'll keep everyone updated on how im doing peace (: