Gemma-Louise's Media Blog

welcome to my media blog. this tells you about the development of ideas that i have had for my coursework. hope its a good read =D

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Initial Ideas (again)

once again i have decided to change my idea for my media coursework. i have now decided to base my work on the solihull young carers project as it is personal to me and not many people know about it.
recently in the media, teenagers and young children have been represented in a negative way as they are shown to be rebellious and getting into trouble. children are rarely recognised in a positive light, which is where my idea comes into place.
the young carers project is a place for children who take care of their families ( i.e - if their parents or siblings have an illness or cant cope). young carers allows these children tyo get away from all that. they take them on day trips and weekends away and this allows them to have their own personal time to take care of themselves.
i chose the young carers for my work as i was on the project from the age of 6 and i left when i was 13, and from what i've asked people, not many of them have heard of them.
so, for my work i am going to do a documentary based on the young carers and represent them in a positive way, and also add in peoples opinions of why they think children and teenagers and shown negatively. :)